Enhance Beauty Naturally with Fat Grafting

Facial fat grafting is an effective procedure that uses excess fatty tissue from your own body to provide youthful volume and plumpness to areas of the face. This two-in-one treatment gets rid of fat in stubborn areas and uses it to add volume where needed. Facial fat grafting in Austin creates a natural look, and achieves beautiful results.

What is facial fat grafting?

Fat grafting is also known as autologous fat transplantation, micro-lipoinjectionfat transfer, and fat rejuvenation. This procedure extracts fat from an area where there is too much of it and transfers it to another area where more volume is needed. In the case of facial fat grafting, fat cells are extracted from the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, or elsewhere, and are then re-injected beneath the facial skin. The fat can fill in sunken cheeks or lines between the nose and mouth, correct skin depressions, minimize forehead wrinkles, or enhance the lips. 

Austin Facial Fat Grafting

What to expect during the procedure

During treatment, both the area where the fat is taken from and the area where it will be transferred to are numbed with local anesthesia. (Sedation can be used as well, but you will need a ride home if you choose it.) After the area has been cleansed and local anesthesia administered, the excess fat is withdrawn using a syringe with a large-bore needle, or a liposuction cannula. 

The fat is then prepared and injected into the recipient site with a needle. Sometimes an adhesive bandage is applied over the injection site. Slight overfilling may be necessary to allow for fat absorption. When fat is used to augment the cheeks, this over-correction may cause the face to appear abnormally full. If you have further questions about this, please bring it up during your consultation. 

Fat Grafting Recovery

Because the fat is harvested from your own body, an allergic reaction is not a risk for fat grafting. However, there is still a small risk of infection and other infrequent complications. While some treatments require a recovery period, many patients resume normal activity right away after fat grafting.

You can expect some swelling, bruising, or redness in both the donor and recipient sites. The severity of these symptoms depends upon the size and location of the treated area. Please note that you will need to stay out of the sun until redness and bruising subsides (usually about 48 hours).

In the meantime, you may use makeup with sunblock protection. In some cases, swelling and puffiness in the recipient site lasts several weeks, especially if a large area was filled.

How long do fat grafting results last?

While some patients report results from their Austin facial fat grafting procedure lasting one year or more, the majority of patients find that at least half of the injected fullness disappears within three to six months. Therefore, repeated injections may be necessary. During your consultation, your doctor will advise you on if multiple treatments will be necessary.

Am I a candidate for fat grafting?

The best candidates for fat grafting in Austin with our team are those who are suffering from mild to moderate facial volume loss. You must also be in good general health and have realistic expectations for what this procedure can accomplish. 

Beautiful girl with clear skin and hazel eyes

Nano Microfat Injections

With age, your skin’s structure and elasticity begin to break down – resulting in fine lines, wrinkles, and volume loss. For many patients, nano microfat injections offer a precise and highly effective way to restore a youthful glow to the delicate facial area, with minimal risk and a short recovery time.

What can microfat injections do for you?

Nano microfat injections are designed to refine delicate areas of the skin, such as the face. The procedure involves removing a very small amount of fat from another area of the body, and precisely injecting it into areas with lost volume to create subtle, natural-looking results. 

  • Plump thinning lips
  • Smooth lines around the mouth (“smoker’s lines” and nasolabial folds)
  • Restore small amounts of lost volume throughout the face
  • Enhance jawline definition

The procedure: What to expect

Microfat injections are typically done under local anesthesia and light sedation. To begin, we will perform very gentle liposuction using an ultra-thin cannula on the tummy or love handles. From there, we will refine the fat in a centrifuge to separate it into a smooth concentration of micro fat particles. That liquid will then be re-injected into your face. 

You will be free to return home right after the procedure. There will be very little discomfort, and you will be able to return to sedentary work the following day.

The results: Smooth and youthful skin

The results of nano microfat injections will be apparent immediately, although they may be slightly obscured by swelling and bruising. These side effects should resolve in about one week. Our Austin patients report long-lasting results after this treatment, with full and supple-looking skin.

Austin Face & Body

Making the choice: Nano microfat injections or traditional fat grafting?

Although they seem similar, nano microfat injections and traditional fat grafting are two very different procedures. Fat grafting aims to dramatically improve the facial structure by restoring overall volume and enhancing the facial contour.

Nano microfat grafting, on the other hand, targets specific signs of aging and attempts to refine the face with precision. It improves skin tone and texture, minimizes wrinkles, and reduces the appearance of blemishes. 

Providers who perform Facial Fat Grafting at Austin Face & Body

Dr. Sean Paul

Dr. Sean Paul is the founder of Austin Face & Body. As a widely published surgeon who has traveled all over the world to speak, Dr. Paul is renowned and highly regarded in his industry. He specializes in cosmetic and reconstructive eyelid and facial plastic surgery in Austin, and is board certified by the American Board of Ophthalmology.

Dr. Sean Paul »

Why choose Austin Face & Body?

Austin Face & Body is an aesthetic plastic surgery practice that brings together some of the very best specialists from all over the country to Austin, Texas to provide the highest level of patient care. We are proud to have the top aesthetic surgeons and nurses under one roof. Our medical professionals stay on the cutting edge of innovation and research while also delivering comfort and luxury to each and every one of our patients. If you’re considering a fat grafting procedure in Austin, please schedule a consultation with us. Call 512-559-3544, or contact us online.

Facial Fat Grafting Austin TX
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