This 55-year-old mama presented to my clinic wanting an improved appearance of her abdomen and flanks. She is very active and lives a healthy lifestyle, however she has had difficulty with the extra skin below her belly button after having children. She underwent liposuction of the abdomen and flanks with a full abdominoplasty. I also fixed a 4 cm rectus diastasis muscle separation, which helps strengthen and narrow the abdominal wall. She is loving her results 3 months out from surgery!
Swipe to see the power of fat grafting for restoration of breast volume, especially for deflation of the upper poles (grey arrows). This is a staged mommy makeover, as she wanted to recover from the abdominoplasty prior to moving on to the breast lift! These surgeries can be combined; however, this is a totally acceptable way to divide and recover from major aesthetic surgery. Check back to see her final results in several months!!!

Performed By: Chris Schneider, MD

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