Smooth facial contours and toned mid-face and cheek areas are the marks of youth and beauty. If you want to take years off your appearance, facelift surgery can beautifully and naturally restore the youthful contour and three-dimensional projection in the mid-face area. However, a facelift does not always produce satisfactory results.

Revision facelift surgery at Austin Face & Body is designed to correct or enhance the disappointing results of a previous facelift. The revision process requires considerably more skill and precision than a primary facelift and should only be performed by a secondary facelift specialist.

What is a revision facelift?

A revision facelift also called a secondary facelift, revises or corrects the results of primary facelift surgery. This delicate surgery should be closer to what you originally envisioned in facial rejuvenation.

Some of the reasons to undergo a secondary or revision facelift include:

  • You are unhappy with the results of the previous facelift
  • The natural aging process necessitates a secondary facelift
  • Your primary facelift was performed by an inexperienced or poorly-trained surgeon who produced unsatisfactory results
  • The results are unbalanced, uneven, or look unnatural
  • The facial appearance was altered to such as degree that you feel you don’t look like yourself
  • The first facelift did not achieve the expected rejuvenating effect you envisioned
Beautiful older woman smiling, wearing a long brown coat

Revision facelift benefits

A revision facelift can restore your confidence in your appearance and provides numerous benefits. 

Some of these benefits include:

  • Restoring balance to your features
  • Enhancing your facial appearance
  • Rejuvenating your best features
  • Freedom from the embarrassment of unsatisfactory results
  • Most people who have had a facelift are good candidates for a secondary procedure
  • Secondary facelifts may not be as extensive as first operations
  • Recovery is similar—but often more manageable and shorter

Am I a good candidate for a revision facelift?

You are likely a candidate for a revision facelift in Austin with our team if you have had at least one prior facelift or mini facelift and want to enhance or correct the results. Candidates include people who:

  • Are in good health with no current or ongoing infections in the treatment area
  • Are non-smokers
  • Have unsightly scar tissue or uneven or unnatural-looking results from a facelift
  • Need a touch-up to repair a surgical error
  • Are experiencing the original effects fading with age

You should also consider and understand the following precautions for a revision facelift:

  • You must wait six months or longer between a primary facelift and revision surgery
  • Depending on the extent of your procedure, you may need to take up to two weeks off work following surgery
  • As with primary facelifts, it can take up to six months before you’ll see the final results
  • Facelift revisions require a surgeon who’s comfortable with secondary work, as second facelifts need more care

Revision facelift procedure and recovery

As with your initial surgery, the facial changes you wish to correct will determine the best surgical plan for your revision facelift procedure. Additionally, your revised surgical plan can differ from the original because your skin has continued to age and is less elastic than it was before. For example, some patients benefit from a mini lift as their secondary facelift.

If your goal for a revision facelift is to “touch-up” the results from the original procedure, it’s not likely that your revision will be incredibly invasive. It takes approximately ten years post-procedure for any touch-ups to be necessary, so surgeons sometimes recommend waiting until you’re further along in the aging process before a revision facelift. The scar tissue remaining from the initial facelift can enhance and prolong those results.

The recovery period is similar to the original surgery with identical aftercare instructions. Following all recommended post-operative instructions and using ointments or medications prescribed by Dr. Sean Paul is essential to reduce recovery downtime. Additionally, strenuous activities such as lifting heavy weights are not recommended for the immediate post-operative period for any procedure. 

Why choose Austin Face & Body for a revision facelift?

At Austin Face & Body, our surgeons perform exceptional revision facelift surgery. It takes a highly skilled surgeon with expertise in procedures of the face to achieve a revision facelift. Whether your original facelift needs a touch-up or you simply aren’t happy with it, our team can help with revision facelift surgery in Austin

Founded by board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Sean Paul, Austin Face & Body has quickly risen to become a primary destination for nuanced, personalized facelift results. His extensive training and education have allowed Dr. Paul to develop a strategic, minimally invasive approach to facial procedures that helps clients to achieve their perfect look: natural, refreshed, and youthful. From our team of vetted, compassionate cosmetic professionals to our advanced, cutting-edge technology, we go above and beyond for our clients.

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