Because the nose is such a prominent part of the face, a person may dislike their entire appearance if they are unhappy with their nose. As a facial feature at the front and center, the nose should bring balance to the face, which can be accomplished with rhinoplasty. Female rhinoplasty at Austin Face & Body can help patients achieve a more traditionally feminine look by enhancing or adjusting specific nasal features.

What is female rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty, or “nose job,” is a surgical procedure to adjust the nasal bridge, tip, and nostrils while simultaneously correcting the nose's internal structure to optimize breathing. Because of its central location among facial features, even a tiny imperfection on the nose can unbalance the entire face. Straightening a crooked nose, removing bumps, or improving nasal symmetry with rhinoplasty can provide a patient with newfound self-confidence.

Female rhinoplasty is specifically intended to give the nose a more traditionally feminine appearance. While male noses are generally larger and more prominent than female noses, female noses usually have slimmer nasal bases with more contour to the nasal bridge. Female rhinoplasty can help you achieve a smaller, narrower nose with a slightly concave profile.

Beautiful woman with her hair in a bun

What are the benefits?

As a surgery that enhances facial harmony and the proportions of your nose, female rhinoplasty can reshape, reduce, or raise the nose for your desired aesthetic goals. This procedure can also be reconstructive to correct a congenital disability, fix an injury, such as a broken nose, or relieve a deviated septum.

Rhinoplasty is a safe and effective way to reshape your face and bring greater balance to your facial proportions. A rhinoplasty procedure can:

  • Make the nose smaller or larger
  • Decrease nostril size
  • Straighten a crooked or broken nose
  • Re-shape the nasal tip
  • Reduce nasal bridge
  • Improve overall facial harmony
  • Improve breathing
  • Correct issues associated with a deviated septum

One benefit for women would be that rhinoplasty can help them achieve a softer and more traditionally feminine facial appearance. Female rhinoplasty can ensure an attractive curvature to the bridge of their nose and a more refined nasal tip.

Am I a good candidate?

Ideal female rhinoplasty candidates are in good general health, do not smoke, and understand what results can be provided by the procedure. At Austin Face and Body, we recommend that patients are older than 16 to ensure that the nose has completed growing.

If you would like to address any of the following nose shape issues, you are likely a good candidate for rhinoplasty:

  • Overly large nose
  • Bump on the nose bridge
  • Hanging or bulbous nose tip
  • Crooked nose
  • Overly wide nose
  • Flat nose bridge
  • Overly wide nostrils
  • Overly wide nose structure
  • Pinched nose tip
  • Asymmetrical nose

How is the procedure performed?

Rhinoplasty is performed under general anesthesia to ensure your safety and comfort. Small incisions are made on your nose's base and inside your nose to allow Dr. Lujan to properly re-shape your nose and make precise adjustments as small as a millimeter. At Austin Face & Body, we also offer preservation rhinoplasty, a specialized technique reserved for those looking to address a dorsal hump. Historically, rhinoplasty required removing a significant amount of your natural cartilage and bone, resulting in poor nasal support and subsequent nasal breathing issues and deformities with time. However, preservation rhinoplasty focuses on preserving as much of your tissue as possible so you can achieve your desired aesthetic result while maintaining nasal support, so your rhinoplasty results last a lifetime. The surgery takes a few hours to complete and does not require an overnight hospital stay. 

Woman sitting outside by the beach during the sunset


Rhinoplasty recovery can take up to two weeks, but you should plan for four weeks of healing time before any sort of social event. Stitches and a cast are removed one week after surgery. During recovery, patients generally experience a stuffy nose feeling along with swelling, bruising, and minor discomfort. The swelling will go down significantly in two weeks and will continue to fade over the next several months. After one full year, all of the swelling issues will resolve.

For optimal recovery results and to reduce swelling as much as possible, we advise patients to keep their heads elevated and use cold packs frequently during the first week after surgery. Medications such as arnica and bromelain can help reduce swelling and bruising. Our staff will provide you with the necessary instructions for post-operative care to help you achieve your best rhinoplasty recovery and results.

Why choose Austin Face and Body for female rhinoplasty?

Dr. Lujan is a board-certified and an American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (AAFPRS) fellowship-trained surgeon specializing in cosmetic and reconstructive facial plastic surgery. She offers a broad spectrum of aesthetic surgery and non-surgical treatments, such as female rhinoplasty, for those looking to achieve a more traditionally feminine facial profile. Dr. Lujan is passionate about providing personalized care for her patients and delivering natural results and has published works on preservation rhinoplasty and nasal physiology. If you are considering female rhinoplasty in the Austin area, choose Austin Face and Body for a top-of-the-line experience and desired results.

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